Saturday, March 5, 2011

Dress Stores At The Walden Galleria

there equality? Land angry

Abram Arkhipov (1862-1930)

guess that since women realized that for some reason they were treated and regarded as being second began their struggle to achieve the level of equality with men, both in rights and obligations. This fight was so many years with positive results very slowly, there were small little steps A great effort and gave poor results, but the case was to fight for something that was fair.

late nineteenth century the struggle was intensified even cost lives, but that did not stop women increasingly aware that they were right and started to achieve goals that a few years before seemed almost impossible. But even the most fair fights have their weak moments and I would say we are in one of those times because it seems that the only important thing is bang on the language to change every word that sounds like machismo by another feminist but the result seems to be stupid .

Like for example the need to appoint both men and women when it comes to a group without being necessary for the use in this case the male does not mean no harm or contempt for women. Or even worse trying to transform the words ending in a female to sound like you all remember that "members and members," or this one I read recently that said "best and improvements" to refer to some people. This to my mind is not fighting for the rights of women, this is simply stupid.

All that I presented here comes news that came out these days and says Brussels cancels bonuses to women life insurance and car " . European judges apparently stated that "there is a risk that Community law allows the exemption indefinitely to equality of treatment between women and men."

I agree with these judges that there should be no exception to this equality and I was always against "positive discrimination" because I think that you can not fight discrimination with discrimination is another positive or not. But I wish those gentlemen judges were so strict and not allowing as just another longstanding discrimination and in this case would "the exception to equal treatment between men and women " and I mean the salary. To date, it is a fact that there is equal work equal pay among these men and women.

And I wonder if it is so easy and so quick to cancel the unacceptable difference between what they pay each other in insurance so that no discrimination is breaking the equality between men and women, would not it be equally fair with the same speed is also set aside the difference in wages?. This is a request which has been taking a long time, but it seems that those who can change not interested in doing so, the reasons will, but then everything that concern for equality that we want to sell is something like a bike that does not run because it lacks the wheels.


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