Cardinal Cañizares is with the conspiracy theory:
Spain may not be "bound" until the truth be known 11-M
a month with the trial of 11m and what has been seen is that 4 religious fundamentalist freaks with no connection to ETA prepared and executed the attacks. Before and after all this the government was a fiasco. Retired monitoring means controlling the terrorists.
care not at all well known to the victims. And finally
lied about 11m not the second or third day but did so in the early hours knowing that ETA had nothing to do.
Three years later, continue to hold those who say that ETA had something to do. And the Taliban Catholic bishops also want to continue in this manner contrary to all truth and respect for the victims.
But Cañizares is absolutely right and have to know who is speaking. Spain will not be united everyone take communion in which it was ETA. They will be responsible for dividing it so. So know it's true.
Cañizares has not changed one iota the strategy of the church in Spain since Franco. They did not like the republic and conspired to a coup. Yes, he died many people of all ideologies. But the church contributed to the tension of the time and contributed to the coup. At least that was thought to be safe in time. The acts of the church led to violence to each other. Today the bishops
conspire again to make society as they say or not.
No dialogue, no agreements, no compromise. Either they or anyone.
Nothing new. Yes ill, as always, are the others.
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