Barcelona is large or small, depends on how you look, depending on how you measure it, is a city that is on the international map with millions of views every year that do not leave the enclosed area for them, the Barcelona Dineyworld . Then there's Barcelona living lso in it, those who work in it, that's a microbarcelona, \u200b\u200bhome to the subway, subway to work, some bars around the super market and shopping at times. A tiny percentage of the city, as part of the resort town controlled by all, parts of which remain unknown, unnoticed, unexplored.
But for that we have the flag, which we organized the first tour of the Barcelona abandoned and appetizer, and also the day that spring is summer, and becomes a perfect Saturday morning. With perfect company, and good views.
(PS: By the way, with such nonsense and this blog has already been 5 years on-line, looks like twitter, and how things change, this year I do not post short, to be held so that no time or desire to get to remember things, everything is to avoid the rhyme)
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