2011 Comic
One year a Comic more years and are now walking around, and having fun. This year we move a bit and we went to the signing session at the FNAC, which is more or less easy to catch a Firmicus, especially of those authors who are not media, or if you are are out of context, there Mariscal tailless or anything boring, priceless that image, but for others that always start a sentence. And at night just in the same place where AHCI related party room, and colándonos to inside, there were a bunch of cartoonists gathered.
But on Saturday the typical visit of the room, this space now ocn agglomerations are less noticeable, that, or that fewer people go. There's something for everyone, exhibitions, activities, movie stand much, but over the years you get used to go to what interests you and see what you see, that if the Expos, there are always some that stands out above others seem only to fill (the heroes cut). Editors missing stands, stores each year going to think more if living, only taking sense if you offer something extra or special part of the new products that will compete with publishers' stands. And then the signatures, which is more entertaining, put a face to those who draw and such stories are always interesting things Pillán or discover new authors.
But as usual the best thing is to go with people, meet friends and acquaintances, and talk about comics, have a beer, walk around, discuss the play, and frika a while, without being by far the most geek but very far. In the lounge there are people pa'tos comics. "
Jan, great among the greats, with endless lines for the signing session, and Uncle there giving the key.
A great story about Albert Monteys press.
what zombie exposure was not bad, but highlighted the zombie versions have different authors in their characters. Jan. great
Manel Fontdevila going off as usual. What good is this guy.
And Paco Roca, omnipresent in the classroom. That's great interpretation of the zombie.
incredible originals Comicats Expo, cats in the comics, see original Krazy Kat is priceless.
Very good Pellejero expos, as the design evolved, and how beautiful the color directly onto the plates.
Juan Berrio, sees has expired, if you make a comic for children 3 years what overboard, and I have to catch, dedicated and all. You should not miss your notebook
phrases found.
Paco Roca, who has not ceased to devote comics around the room, again made with the best film award, deservedly.
And finally in the room a conciertillo of Tiki Phantoms, surf rock, death masks and desire have fun and entertain the public, with its typical and conga and surf on the public.
and ale for home and watch the game. But the thing was over, after a glimpse of the first classic this spring, we were invited to the celebration of the tenth anniversary of Astiberri, and we enjoy jazz Trak, but most of the drawings Badouin to the beat . That mastery of brush.
And now, a good pile of comics to read.